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What Others Are Saying About Web Ad Blocker

"It's so refreshing not seeing ads. Thank you!"
-Joe L

"Now that the ads are gone I am much more productive on the web."
-Kevin B

"My pages seem to load faster with ads blocked. It's been real nice. Keep it up!"
-Frank D

"To think I could have been ad free months ago. Only wish I'd found you sooner."
-Darren K

"It's nice to have ads blocked when enjoying kid videos with my grandson. No more waiting and having him irritated. Love the service and hope to continue. Thanks!"
-Marj O

"I had to look twice at my favorite news site today. It was so much easier to read. At first I thought I was in the wrong place but nope!"
-Paul S

"With all the trackers out there monitoring what people do, it's nice to know your service also blocks those as well. Tremendous value for so little money. People are nuts not to have your ad blocker."
-Karl V

"There's little doubt this is the best service I've ever subscribed to. Awesome value and now I know I won't be followed around by the same ad all day!"
-Sue G

"I don't know what else to say but thank you. I really couldn't believe how much faster and easier it was to get through my daily web stuff now that I have your service. 5 stars."
-Cameron S

"It really was just a couple clicks to start blocking ads right away. Night and day too I might add."
-Arish K

"If you're on the fence about installing this, don't be. It works. Period. Bye Bye ads forever!"
-Kim W

"Web Ad Blocker has put back the joy of surffing the web. I'm no longer overwhelmed by ads. I can read my blogs without all the clutter from ads."
-Sharon C